The Charter of the French language and its regulations govern the consultation of English‑language content.


Under the Act to Secure the Handicapped in the Exercise of Their Rights for their academic, professional and social integration, Société des établissements de plein air du Québec (Sépaq) is committed to improving access to its documents and services for people with disabilities and to promoting universal access in its establishments. In this context, we are presenting you with our action plan and a review of our current adaptation measures for accessibility to places, information, documents and employment.

Parc national d'Oka Parc national d'Oka
Parc national d'Oka Simon Laroche | © Sépaq

Simple outings for individuals with restricted mobility

The generous nature of Québec offers a vast array of places conducive to wonder, relaxation, and outdoor activities. Sépaq is committed to connecting people with nature. Sépaq is continually improving its facilities and thinking outside the box to make them more accessible than ever:

In summer In winter

Also check out the list of adapted locations and their level of accessibility (in French only), the list of destinations where adapted equipment is available free of charge, and suggestions for trails accessible to persons with restricted mobility.

To ensure that you have a quality experience in nature that meets your expectations, we invite you to contact the establishment you wish to visit beforehand to explain your special needs and to ensure that the level of accessibility is appropriate to your personal situation.

Guide dogs and service dogs

Easily recognizable guide dogs and service dogs are allowed everywhere. Guide dogs and service dogs in training are only allowed in places where dogs are allowed. Find out more

Companion Leisure Card (CAL)

Companion Leisure Card (CAL) holders may be accompanied free of charge by one person during a visit in a Québec national park and at Aquarium du Québec. Find out more

Accessibility to the Web

Improving access to our Web site for people with disabilities is one of the actions prioritized in Sépaq’s Action Plan for People with Disabilities.

Accessibility to a Web site means that it is designed so that people with disabilities or physical restrictions, whether visual, auditory, motor, cognitive, neurological or speech-related, can navigate effectively.

For its Web site, Sépaq is committed to the accessibility standards of the Government of Québec (in French only). They will be integrated progressively as the Web site it updated and improved. Full compliance of the site is planned.

Work Completed

So far, several aspects of the Web site meet accessibility standards:

  • Coherent navigation and presentation in each section.
  • Documents structured with tags and information divided into blocks to facilitate consultation.
  • Fonts that allow easier text enlargement.
  • The use of style sheets for uniform presentation.
  • Significant non-textual elements (photographs, images, graphics, symbols, etc.) have a textual equivalent.
  • The use of contrasting colours between the background and the words.
  • The absence of flashes and sudden movements.

Need help?

If you are having problems navigating our Web site or if you need help with filling out a form, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Phone: 1 800 665-6527

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